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Jooish News - Collection of Jewish News

Jooish News - Collection of Jewish News

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Developer's DescriptionBy JooishJooish News organizes what's happening in the Jewish World as well as the world at large to help you learn more about the stories that matter to...Jooish News organizes what's happening in the Jewish World as well as the world at large to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you.With Jooish News you'll see:Subscriptions - Everyone has their own opinions about what news sites are worth reading. Subscriptions allow to you see only the ones you want to. (There is no cost to subscribe to news sources)Trending - For those of us that don't follow the news all day, or if you just want to see what is trending right now across all news sites, the trending tab is for you. It groups all the news sites together and displays what the most popular stories are right now on Jooish News.Newsstand - In Newsstand, you can manage your subscriptions, and read individual sitesBookmarks - If you see an article you find interesting or would like to get to later, long-press the article and select "bookmark this article". It will be saved to the "Bookmark" tab for you to come back to whenever you want.We currently support:Boropark24HamodiaMatzavThe Lakewood ScoopThe Yeshiva WorldVelt NewsVos Iz Neias
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