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Deutsche News (Germany News)

Deutsche News (Germany News)

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Developer's DescriptionBy SeedSoftDeutsche News (Germany News) This free Application includes and integrated the News major Website.Deutsche News (Germany News)This free Application includes and integrated the News major Website.This application can share news to social eg. facebook, google+, twitter.Can Customize your news list by setting menu.This application can move to SD card.List of Deutsche News (Germany News)Augsburger Allgemeine | Badische Zeitung | Berliner Morgenpost | Berliner Tageszeitung | Berliner Zeitung | Braunschweiger Zeitung | Bild | Der Spiegel | Der Stern | Der Tagesspiegel | Deutsche Welle | Die Rheinpfalz | die tageszeitung | Die Welt | Die Zeit | Focus | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Frankfurter Rundschau | Junge Freiheit | Junge Welt | Jungle World | Handelsblatt | Mnchner Merkur | Neues Deutschland | Ostsee-Zeitung | Rheinische Post | Sddeutsche Zeitung | Wirtschaftswoche | Yahoo | BBC Sport | Goal | Sky Sports | | Yahoo Sport | Economist | Reuters | The Guardian |*** Note: This application prepared to include Link Aggregation of news agencies like the Web browser for quick access in one place, and Link to source directly. Do not copy any content or customization. If you want to add or remove Link is able to inform us at Contact Developer of the preparation to perform the request as soon as possible.
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